متطوعنا أبطال بيتربورو ليتر وومبل في التقاط القمامة - أحسنتم أيها الناس، أنتم جميعًا تستحقون ميدالية "تنظيف بيتربورو" شكرًا لك !! &نبسب; &نبسب; &نبسب; &نبسب; التمرير الخامس^
Thanks to the many Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme volunteers and some local help by PLW members the Cardea area is 33 bags of litter removed.
Thanks to PLW donations we are able to start installing PLW Bins where they are needed. These areas are frequently littered but by placing PLW Bins the littering has literarily stopped.
Thanks to Steve, Margaret, Mohammed, Phillip, Abi and Jowa. The two girls are doing it for their D of E Award - we like being involved with that! 👍👍 There was some very old litter there and we put up a lamp post bag on the Netherton side to catch some of it in future. Collected 8 recyclable and 8 general bags, a chair, tree protectors, a very rusty bin, a tent and a small chipboard cabinet.
Volunteers in action - so much litter in just a few meters of pathway.
Fab effort by Sam, Margaret & Michael as local volunteers and litter Wardens for Parnwell Pathways. Not a drop of litter anywhere after years of filth and litter normally found.
Well what a fantastic haul of litter and a magic carpet by our stars - Harriet, Dave, Harvey, Pete & Liz - wait a minute what about our star guests Mum Helen and superstar junior Prius (hope I spelt that right 😗) who showed us all how to carefully pick those many Bottles and Cans out of the bushes. All in all we collected 18 bags in total including 5 recycled blue bags - all on a sunny morning between the rain showers. Have to say the fly-tipping wasn't exactly pleasant.
Litter picked all around the big park in Westwood
Went back to Century Square, 6 weeks after the last community litter pick, and collected another 16 bags of litter (including 5 of recyclables) plus a bike, bits of furniture, vapes, an NOX canister, knife and a lot of cannabis packets. Nothing like as bad as it was before, and we got into some new areas. Thanks to Liz, Pete, Chris and the residents and local kids who came and helped out.
Bags & Bags of litter and stuff...Parnwell is becoming a cleaner place thanks to the local volunteer Wombles.